16Aug 2024



There are six main categories of philosophy, and they are all linked.

METAPHYSICS: reality exists; there is no “why’ to the existence of the universe; it just is, and it exists independent of the mind. The link to epistemology is your senses – they are metaphysical. They provide the raw data about reality.

EPISTEMOLOGY: our ability to think allows us to integrate that data, draw logical conclusions, resolve contradictions – to reason. The link to morality is the fact that we have free will, reason does not function automatically – we can be reasonable or not. We need a moral code to guide us in the actions that will enhance our life.

MORALITY: so what are the virtues that we need in order to obtain values? There are two prime virtues – rationality and productiveness. I refer to them as prime virtues because they are obviously indispensable to man’s survival. You would need rationality and productiveness even if you were marooned alone on an island. But fortunately, we do not live alone on an island. We have the incalculable benefit of being able to trade with millions around the world. If you suck at what you’re doing, you’re not going to have much to trade – it would be a good idea to find something you’re good at – competence is a virtue. Successful traders are trustworthy traders – they do what they say they’re going to do when they say they’re going to do it. They don’t lie, cheat or steal – honesty is a virtue. And because living entails risks courage is a virtue.

Rationality, productiveness, competence, honesty, courage – their reward is more than material gain. One gains respect and something far more important – self-respect. You must like yourself, know you’re a good person, before you can like others and enjoy values other than material goods – friends, family and romantic love.
And the link? Obviously, in order for man to pursue his values, he must be free to do so.

ECONOMICS: Laissez-faire. The link: we need an institution to protect our freedom to trade to our mutual benefit.

POLITICS: we need a government to protect our right to life and property. Without the right to property, you don’t have a right to your life. It’s the government’s responsibility to create a police force to protect us from criminals, to establish courts to settle disputes and to maintain an armed forces to protect us from foreign aggression.

AESTHICS: an artist links any and all of the preceding in his projection of how he thinks things are or should be. Personally I like what Aristotle is purported to have said – “Philosophically, art is more important than history, because history tells things as they are while art tells things as they can and ought to be.”

I’ve written a little feel-good short story. If you’re interested click on the link (you may have to copy & paste) – a 4 minute read.


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