Free Trade
I am for free trade. In fact, I think we should pull out of USMCA
and declare our intention to move towards free trade unilaterally.
Over a period of a few years we should eliminate all import and
export duties and allow any company from anywhere in the world
to conduct business in Canada without any restrictions. Our
productivity would increase. The cost of goods would fall, some
dramatically, especially in telecommunications, the airline industry
and the dairy industry. We pay more than twice as much for
cheese as Americans. The duties on cheese are so high that
cheese is actually being smuggled into Canada.
And if some country wants to dump product into our country, a
great big heart shaped thank you note would be in order – just as
if a millionaire bought a house and then sold it to you for half his
cost, a thank you note would be in order. Yes, some country
dumping, let’s say steel, below their cost of production would
cause havoc in the steel industry. Steel companies would have to
produce something else – perhaps lower volume, higher margin
specialty steels.
The value of the Canadian dollar would go up – you can’t build a
strong country on a weak dollar – if it could be done, Zimbabwe
would be a super power. A strong dollar would allow manufactures,
steel or otherwise, to purchase from around the world productivity
increasing technology for less. With a higher Canadian dollar the
cost of imports would fall, leaving more money in everybody’s pockets.
By moving unilaterally to free trade, within a few years Canada
would have the highest standard of living in the world.
Check out my post - a three minute read.
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