22Mar 2018

Capitalism: What is it?

Posted in Capitalism

Ayn Rand's Flagship Talk on Capitalism:


Cory Shallow Why is an amoral system promoting morality?
Capitalism For Canada The system qua system is amoral as is any system such as socialism, but it is morality that determines what system we get.  If the electorate believes in altruism, man is his brother’s keeper, we will move towards socialist policies; if the electorate believes in individual responsibilities, we will move towards capitalist policies.  Altruism moves us towards a nanny state; individualism moves us away from it.

Ethan Campbell So remove the government from the economy but keep them around for keeping laws in place and doing things with other countries?
Capitalism For Canada Yes.  We need a government to protect us from criminals, to establish law courts to settle disputes and an armed forces to protect against foreign aggression.

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